Kategorienarchiv: 2012

For the last weeks we had a little bit more snow in Berlin. I always wanted to go and take photos but it seemed like the sun was always shining when I was at work and when I had time, the weather was not pretty. So thes said the snow will melt in the next days and so I had to go right after work, so I have my first snow photos from Berlin.


First Snow in Berln 2012

When I woke up yesterday, it was snowing. It wasn’t much and I didn’t have time to go out and take some more photos, so I just took some on my bacony.
The snow didn’t last half a day, it’s still to warm. I’m hope for more this winter because everything can be so beautiful with a white blanket.


Festival Of Lights

Auch in diesem jahr war ich wieder auf dem Festival of Lights in Berlin unterwegs. Im Vergleich zu meinem Ausflug 2009 war es diesmal einfach, da ich nun in Berlin wohne. Ich bin an mehrenden Abenden unterwegs gewesen.


In a few weeks I’m moving to another city. There are still so many places I’ve never been to take photos around here. So my plan for my last weeks here is to go to some of these places.

