Tag-Archiv: Alte Fotos

Vor einigen Jahren war ich mit der Familie in Görlitz unterwegs. Im Jahr 2009 war noch die Anfangszeit meiner digitalen Fotografie. Görlitz ist übrigens die östlichste Stadt in Deutschland und liegt direkt an der Neiße an Polen. Die Altstadt war bereits mehrmals Filmkulisse, zum Beispiel für „Die Vermessung der Welt“ oder „In 80 Tagen um die Welt“.


I was looking through my photos and I found some photos from Winter 2009 where I had my first tries with HDRI. I’ve never published these pictures, so why not now?
These are photos from my home town and from Park Branitz in Cottbus.


I would love to go to New York City again, but I can’t right now for some reasons.
I took a lot of photos on my last trip in 2011 and now I just picked one folder to look for some photos I could post.
Btw for the night photos I took my tripod on this vacation and it was worth every kilogramm. 😉


Swimming Monster

I found this new feature in Photoshop CS 6 called Color Lookup and I wanted to try it out. It has some nice color effects. I used this in different variations with possibilietes for some of my old photos. I chose one of my photo folders from 2009 with photos from my trip to the USA.


spring sky

I have so many photos I haven’t published. Somethimes I think some of my photos need some time to „grow up“. Usually when I come from a photo tour I go through my photos and choose the best ones to publish. Sometimes I don’t have time right after a tour and I forget. Or sometimes I don’t think a photo is good enough until I look at it later.

That’s what happened now. I chose a photo folder spontaneous and had a look at the photos. And I thought some of them aren’t that bad. It’s time to do something with them.

So there are some photos from spring 2010. I remember this day, I was on tour with my friend Nicole. We startet at a cementry, went to the statium and ended up in a park.


I’m going through some of my older Photos. There are a lot I’ve never published. So for today we have some photos from Kennedy Space Center, that I visised in 2009 in Florida.

